Every business needs to innovate. But how businesses should approach innovation isn’t so black and white. The typical one-size-fits-all approach to innovation assumes all businesses think and act the same. It assumes that every business is looking for a lot of wild ideas when what they may really need are just a few smart ones. Taking the wrong approach to innovation can cripple a company under the weight of trying to sustain a breadth of new activities – often diverting attention away from the things most critical to the business’ success.

What’s your organization’s innovation style? Complete this quiz and you’ll get a free report profiling the unique orientation your company has toward innovation and how you can best leverage it for growth.

What's your organization's innovation style?

Complete this quiz and you'll get a free report profiling the unique orientation your company has toward innovation and how you can best leverage it for growth.

Over 5 years ago, we set out on a journey...

Through this exploration, we uncovered eight “Eternal Motivations” that, if identified and understood, can help brands create a stronger connection with consumers.

Less connected than ever.

Brands are interacting with customers in more ways than ever before. There are more tools available and the amount of touches between brands and customers has increased dramatically over the years.

However, while there is MORE engagement, people are feeling LESS connected to brands than ever.

Brands that are built on the ever-shifting sands of fleeting trends rarely outlast brands that are built on the solid foundation of timeless human truths.