93% of strategists have been asked to write a brief in a day or less. Don't let unrealistic deadlines result in uninspired briefs. Check out our "8-Hour Creative Brief" course to learn how to write killer briefs in just 8 hours.

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Use time constraints to your advantage

  • TACTICAL DISCOVERY METHODS to quickly identify the business problem that needs to be solved and how to set the 8-hour brief writing process.
  • REFRAMING THE ASSIGNMENT exercises to open up the space to write an interesting brief.
  • 1-HOUR RESEARCH MISSIONS that are designed to extract insights that can insure your strategy is relevant and compelling. 
  • THE “SIX STRATEGIES” FRAMEWORK that will help you take any insight and turn it into six creative brief lines that powerfully tap into deeply-held human motivations.
  • CREATIVE BRIEF PROTOTYPES that help you frame up potential brief directions and get internal alignment before you’ve even written the brief.


Learn how to write a killer creative brief without the stress and frustration – even when you’re working with limited resources and only given a day to do so.